Before our daughter was born, I was an elementary school teacher.   I haven't taught in a school setting for decades, yet I still enjoy receiving and imparting 'Knowledge Blessings'.  In our home, a Knowledge Blessing is sharing something you have learned with others. 

Several weeks ago, I was approached by a homeschooling mom who wanted her co-op group to 'visit a yarn store'.  We spoke for a bit and since the kiddos were young, I knew a hands-on approach would be best so that they would have a higher retention of information.  Enter my Sheep-to-Cloth presentation. 

The Sheep-to-Cloth Presentation takes the learner through most of the steps of wool processing.  Different types of fibers are discussed, a washed fleece is shown and handled, hand and drum carders are demonstrated, drop spindles and spinning wheels are demonstrated, and we finish with weaving on a loom to make cloth.  For younger children, such as the ones who came over yesterday, we dye yarn that they then took home to weave onto cut branches of trees.  Handouts are given to parents so they can talk with their children about all of the steps needed to make cloth. 

What is a Knowledge Blessing you love to impart to others? Perhaps we can collaborate and learn from one another.


Lynne Wolford